Dad Blog Posts Of The Week – 14th September 2018

11 Things I’ve Learned During My First Two Weeks of Toilet Training

Blogger: Father Hood

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Can't wait until there are no more nappies!
Can’t wait until there are no more nappies!

Clearly N is quite a way off being toilet trained yet! He’s good but he’s not that good at eight months! However, it’s always interesting to read the stories of others a bit further down the line. You never know what will stick in your mind from reading them now, and the things this Dad has learned are useful.

For example, number four on this list will be extremely useful! Check it out and see if you agree. Do you have any other tips?

Don’t Listen To So Called Parenting Experts: Do It Your Way

Blogger: DIY Daddy

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Every parent is different, and every child is different. The important thing for me is to mould your parenting style around the individual needs of your individual child. As such, reading lots of parenting books, doing what the ‘experts’ say, or even listening to someone you know who says “well I did it this way and it worked” is all well and good, but ultimately it’s up to you.

Parents will make mistakes, we are only human. The point is to learn from these mistakes so you don’t do them again (and hope your children don’t either!). It’s hard enough bringing up a child, let alone getting all and sundry giving their two pennies worth. If you ask for opinions or search for information then great, it’s out there. If not though, have confidence in yourself, I’m sure you’re doing a great job!

The Dadindex Report: How Dads Spend Their Money And Time

Blogger: Dad Blog UK

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As a bit of a stato as soon as I saw a post about dads with some stats I was straight on there!

This research shows some really interesting insights, and shows quite how much dads are involved in bringing up children. The total spend by dads each year is a significant amount (though I’d love to know what mums spend to be able to compare) which is great to see and shows the involvement of dads. It would be great to see marketing execs of baby and children’s items take note!

Before you have a look at this, think how much you believe dads spend on their children…now go see if you’re right…

Why Arguing In Front Of Your Kids Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

Blogger: Dadtastic Voyage

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This was an interesting title so I just had to take a read.

Should we argue in front of kids?
Should we argue in front of kids?

The common thought is to try and avoid arguing in front of your children. That children should be shielded from such behaviour. This Dad raises the question of whether that is always appropriate. Perhaps actually learning to express your feelings in the right way is a good lesson to learn. That at times you will disagree with a loved one and knowing how to express that appropriately is something parents need to teach kids.

Now let’s be clear, I’m not talking about a full blown riot type argument here, I don’t think they should necessarily be done in front of children as they could get scared and upset. The little disagreements over who forgot to do something, whose fault it was that something was done (or not done), perhaps they’re not necessarily bad to discuss, in the right way, in front of your kids.

Read more about it on this post though…

Eight Lessons From Eight Years Of Blogging

Blogger: Diary Of The Dad

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This is a useful post for me but also hopefully for any other bloggers out there.

My main objective for my blog was to write a diary for my son for when he is older. As such, if I write one post every couple of weeks or so then I will have met that. I am trying to do more though so I can help others. My product reviews won’t help him (things will have changed by the time he has children – if he does!) for example, but hopefully will help others. However, I have been guilty of comparing my blog with others and I’m trying to stop that as there’s no benefit, and this was a point raised in this post. I just have to remember my primary objective so I don’t put pressure on myself.

However, these blogging tips are really useful for me to think ahead (and for now in fact). Take a read if you’re a blogger…

There You Have It…

If you see any good posts let me know.

If you would like to see my last post summarising Dad blog posts just click here.


    1. Ditto. There’re quite a few I read a lot of. It’s hard to keep up but the interesting posts keep me coming back for more!

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