Top 6 Safety Tips While Travelling With Your Small Kids

Here’s a guest post from JOJO at Check Pregnancy which covers a wide variety of parenting topics, from pregnancy to all the fun that comes afterwards. Here’s a great post done for my blog all about travelling with small kids. It’s a must read for this time of year!

For other guest posts and dad blogs check the ‘Guest Posts‘ category.

Hope this post helps makes thing go a bit easier when you go on holiday!

Top 6 Safety Tips While Travelling With Your Small Kids

The thrill of going on holiday with kids is amazing, but takes more planning...
The thrill of going on holiday with kids is amazing, but takes more planning…

Travelling or being on vacation is always fun and an adventurous. There is always a thrill of experiencing new cultures, music and taste new foods. Nonetheless, travelling with little kids is a parent’s worry. The fear of a child being at risk or losing a child in unfamiliar places where the languages and laws are different from home country is always a challenge to parents. Travelling with kids is quite challenging, so here are some safety tips while travelling with your small kids.

1. Take medical measures

  • Travel medical kit

When you are travelling with kids, make sure you carry a travel medical kit plus all the things that your child might need in case they get sick. If your child needs any specific medical attention, make sure you carry the required medical equipment or medicines. The medical kit can consist of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, baby paracetamol, bandages, oral rehydration, sunscreen, bug sprays, anti-itching lotions, thermometer, antihistamine, etc. Ensure to check with the security at the airport when carrying medical equipment like injection needles. Sometimes a doctor’s note is needed.

  • Travel Medical Portfolio

Always keep updating your travel medical portfolio. A travel medical portfolio will always speak for you and your family in case of a medical emergency or health need. A travel portfolio is essentially something you prepare before you travel, it contains medical history, labs and any relevant medical info for the traveller.

  • Vaccinate Your Kids

In any country, you plan to visit, vaccinate your kids against diseases most prevalent in that particular country you intend to visit.

  • Find out the medical emergency number and the nearest hospital

Some countries have a medical emergency number, find out about it and keep it. Get to know where the nearest hospital is located from where you are staying plus their phone number.

  • Medical supplies

Mosquito repellent becomes handy when your family visits a tropical country where mosquitoes carry malaria or dengue fever.

2. Get travel insurance

Get travel insurance to cover emergency or accident whether you travel across the country or overseas. Anything can happen—such as:

  • Luggage getting lost or getting lost.
  • Return of minor children if they get lost, or you are hospitalised
  • Trip cancellation coverage
  • Emergency medical care

Ensure to read and understand the terms and conditions of the contract before purchasing. Some travel insurance cover children travelling with parents for free and others do not.

3. Child safety seat requirements

It's important to consider child seat requirements, even abroad
It’s important to consider child seat requirements, even abroad

In the instances where you want to take a road trip to your destination with your kids, a child safety seat is required. Some countries do not follow the protocols of having a child safety seat—in this case, carry them on your lap. You can either own or rent a child safety car seat. A good model and the right car seat design can last long. For example here are the best car seats for car seats for small cars.

Road trips are long, and there is always a need to keep your child busy and at the same time keep them from wandering out of their seat. Let your child sit in between you and the window to avoid them moving up and down in case you are using public transport. If you are travelling by plane, ensure the seat is AAP approved and if you use a car seat on the flight make sure it is FAA approved.

4. Childproof the room

Kids love to explore and play around with anything that comes in their way. When you get to the place you intend to stay, take a quick scan of the room and remove anything that may cause harm to your child. Check for exposed wires, safety regulations and health conditions of the room or hotel that you are staying in.

5. Keep an eye

Setting boundaries is important, or attach them to yourself!
Setting boundaries is important, or attach them to yourself!

Kids are always curious especially when they are in a new place. The chance of them getting lost is higher when you are not keen enough. Always have your kid near you at all times and when they are not near you, tell them where they can go and can’t go. If the child gets lost always have a plan discussed earlier with them on how they can trace their way back or ask for help but at the same time being aware of ‘stranger danger alert.’

6. Eating out

Always eat in places where hygiene standards are met to avoid stomach upsets. Do not let your children drink tap water or brush their teeth using tapped water. Ensure canned food and bottles are unopened and adequately wiped before giving them to your kids.


In conclusion, your kids are your responsibility. Although it can be worrying and hectic to travel with your kids, with proper planning you will have one of the easiest and enjoyable time ever. Take note on the above safety tips especially the small car seats issue, and your travel will be wholesome. Safe travel rests on proper planning.



  1. Some fab tips Kev we have always made sure everything is in place for our twin girls Thank you for linking to #Thatfridaylinky please come back next week

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