Is It Too Early To Get Excited About Christmas?

I know I know, the answer is clearly “yes”, it is too early to get excited about Christmas, but hear me out.

I’ve been on this earth for *cough cough* one or two years and always loved Christmas, at least since I knew what was going on at that time of year!

I remember many Christmas days all through my life. Being forced to watch The Snowman (which I can’t stand but it was ‘family time’), making sure we finished our Christmas dinner for 3pm to be ready for the Queen (I don’t watch that now either)!

The amazing presents I received too, the festive decorations, my Mums lemon curd and jam tarts (in separate tarts, not combined, that’s just wrong). So many fantastic memories and I can’t wait to make them with N! I said in my post about things to look forward to that Christmas was one of them. Here’s why…


Love Christmas decorating!
Love Christmas decorating!

Do you have any traditions around Christmas time? I’m pretty sure almost everyone who celebrates Christmas does in some way shape or form. I and Clare always put our decorations up on the 1st December for example, even if that’s on a weekday (early I know but we love it so why not! What harm?!). Fish and chips when possible on Christmas Eve night too (I used to have sausage rolls and tomato soup on Christmas Eve night when growing up).

Now however we’ve a great opportunity to create some new traditions. Some new and exciting ways to celebrate Christmas as a family. Some won’t come into play yet of course as N is only young and has no idea what’s going on, but some do, and we are planning ahead for future years anyway.

The first thing that Clare wants to start is that we all get matching pyjamas and wear them on Christmas Eve. This is a bit of an unusual one for me as I don’t wear pyjamas around the house…ever. I don’t know why that is but I just don’t. However, maybe I’ll get in the spirit on Christmas Eve, you never know!

In time we will also probably do the Elf on the Shelf (this is new and never done when I was younger but seems a lot of fun). I could get so inventive with this and really let my creative side go. We just have to make sure Charlie (our dog) and Rocky (our cat) don’t try and play with the Elf!!

I also can’t wait until N can help me with putting the tree up, or other decorations. Yes I’m pretty sure it will be a complete mess but it will be his mess, so I’ll let it go I suppose!


A cake we made!
A cake we made!

This probably sounds daft but we have already started thinking ahead of what we would like to get N for Christmas this year, in fact we have already bought him something (it was on Amazon during Prime day before you call me a nutter, though you probably still are calling me that!). Hey at the end of the day if you spot something at a good price then why not buy it, even if it’s really early!

It’s so exciting to think about all the things we could get him. We’ve agreed on one larger present and a few smaller ones. It’s going to be hard to not go mad and just buy him loads of stuff. To be fair, if we don’t it will be a miracle. Plus, as you may know, his birthday is shortly after Christmas so he won’t need anything much then as he will have just had many Christmas gifts. Some money aside for summer items would be in order for his birthday I expect.

Plus of course, let us not forget what Santa will bring for him! It’s interesting to note that Santa has different agreements with parents around presents it seems (I’ve discovered since meeting Clare) so we will have to see what Santa would like to do for N!

Christmas Spirit

Too long to go!
Too long to go!

The main thing for me though, it’s not about gifts, or necessarily the traditions (at least not yet), but it’s about the time of year. About spending time with family and seeing friends. It’s such a joyous time of year, happiness and fun filling the air. It’s an amazing time of year and everyone is in such a good mood. Unfortunately for Clare and N, I also sing Christmas songs a lot, or at least what I call singing!

I think as you get older Christmas changes. Some of the magic you experience when you’re a child reduces as you age which is understandable. Having a child though I believe brings that back. For many years now we will see N being incredibly excited for the build up to Christmas and the day itself. I’m so excited myself to see what he is like when he knows what’s going on. It’ll be so cute!

Is It Too Early?

Yes of course it is. At least in a way it is. Just looking forward to Christmas in itself then yes it’s early, but looking forward to an exciting time with N, and the fun he will have this year and in future years, no, I’m not sure that is too early. We’ve been waiting for this for a while now so I’m going to enjoy it and look forward to every amazing step to come.

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