Grolight by The Gro Company – Review

Five DadsI wanted to review the Grolight as I think it’s a fab product. Simple as that.

I’ll say up front that I’ve bought this product (I’m not reviewing a freebie) so understandably the rating is pretty good at five ‘Dads’ out of five (I’m not going to buy any old rubbish!). Yes, that’s right, I’m measuring how good a product is in ‘Dads’! A bit different but I like it.

GrolightGrolight – The Basics

The Grolight is essentially a product that fits between your light socket and your bulb. You then switch on the light once and the Grolight switches on. Follow that by turning the light off and straight back on and the normal bulb comes on. You can also change the brightness of the Grolight with a small discrete dial on the side.

What’s the point? Well, for those late night (or early morning!) visits to your baby to see how they’re doing, or to change a nappy without fully waking your baby. In essence, by not fully waking your baby it should help them sleep better and therefore for you to get some sleep too!

So what score does it get in usability, convenience, quality and value for me?

Grolight – Usability 5/5

You know what, it really couldn’t be much easier. Simply plug it in to the existing light socket, put your bulb in and you’re good to go. That’s it. To change the brightness of the LEDs just turn the dial on the side. It genuinely could not be any easier. I’ve tried to show you the difference between the low and high but it’s hard taking a photo of it!

Grolight Dim
Dim light
Grolight Brightest
Full Light
Grolight Brightness Wheel
Brightness Wheel

Grolight – Convenience 4/5

Grolight Connector

The fact that it plugs into your existing fitting is fantastic. Plug and play. However, there are two factors which stop me giving this 5/5:

  1. It is too big for many light fittings. The diameter is 8cm which may not fit in non-standard lights, like one that needs candle bulbs, or some lamps (we have one it won’t fit in)
  2. It only comes in bayonet and large screw fittings. If you have a lamp you may find it doesn’t fit should you want it to as you may have a small screw fitting

Small Screw ConnectorHowever, you can get round this second point by purchasing a fitting (see left) which changes a small screw fitting into a bayonet fitting for example (which is exactly what we’ve done) for a couple of pounds. Cheaper than buying two Grolights I guess!

Grolight – Quality 5/5

You can’t fault it. The pieces don’t rattle, the LED lights look good and dim well, the wheel to change brightness feels like it’s good quality. Genuinely can’t fault the quality from my point of view.

Grolight – Value 5/5

You can buy these for as low as £12.99 in Maplin (as at January 2018). That’s not a bad price for something that’s so useful to help your baby sleep better (not sure you can put a price on that sometimes!!). It would be easy for the manufacturer to recommend a higher retail price for something like this, but they haven’t and I respect that. Definitely no qualms about paying £12.99.

Grolight – Summary

So overall the Grolight gets five Dads for me. The reasonable price, extreme ease of use and good quality of the product make this a winner. Just to reiterate, this is my review based on a product I’ve researched and purchased. This isn’t a review where I’ve received a product for free to try it out. It’s a high score because it deserves to be. In fact, I’ve just bought another one, I think that tells you everything you need to know.

What do you think to the Grolight?

Read more of my reviews here.

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