What An Amazing Gift!

What a wonderful gift this is from N’s cousin. It’s a Taggie Blanket which his cousin O made recently after learning how to sew using her sewing machine!

Here’s O and her present for N!
Here’s O and her present for N!

What a fantastic gift this is. Firstly the thought behind it and the desire to make it. It’s a beautiful idea and very selfless. Then there is the effort of buying all of the material which must have taken some time to get just the right stuff. Finally the creativity of designing it and the achievement in making the blanket itself, it’s really good!

It took about 45 minutes to make which I think is very quick to make something of such high quality! It’s good enough to be shop bought!

N thoroughly loves it and has been chewing on it like a trooper which is exactly what it’s for!

Judging by his reaction he is delighted with it. It’s also handy to play peekaboo with!

Well done O!

Thank you lovely cousin! I’m really enjoying chewing on this. It’s great for my gums when they hurt a bit from my teeth coming through! Thank you!

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