Dad Blog Posts of the Week – 13th July 2018

Once again I’ve been reading though a lot of blogs this week when I got time and here is my round up of some of my favourites. I’ve not had time for a few weeks to post my roundup unfortunately but I’ve still been reading…

11 Things I Say More Since Becoming A Parent

Blogger: Father-Hood

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Funny post this one. There are many things I’ve said since becoming a parent that I never thought I would, or perhaps never appreciated that I would say. In fact, I’ll be writing a post about this in due course but I’m just trying to think of them all right now. It’s funny how these things just become the norm in your life. In this post there are so many of these we’ve said, like number 1, 2 (though watching it on Little Baby Bum just annoyed me!), 3, 7, 10, 11, and I’m sure the others will come in time. How many of these have you said?

A Beginners Guide To IGTV

Blogger: Slouching Towards Thatcham

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I’ve not yet had chance to use IGTV and I’m still learning all the things you can do on the different social media formats, but IGTV caught my interest. In essence it’s a new function in Instagram where you can record longer videos. Personally I’m not a fan of recording myself and hate the sound of my own voice on a recording, but it has made me think of doing some. So for all you bloggers out there wondering what IGTV is, here’s a great guide.

Finding Out What’s In Baby And Toddler Snacks

Blogger: The DADventurer

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When you’re weaning you’re so conscious of everything you give your baby. How thick is it? What sugar is in it? What about salt? What shall we give him next? When is he ready for finger food? How shall we feed him when we are out? It’s this latter question that drew me to this post about the differences in foods. An interesting read for weaning parents.

A Poem About An Awake Baby In The Early Hours

Blogger: The DADventurer

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Well, as parents we’ve all been awake in the small hours of the morning. However, for most of us it’s a time to just get through and get the baby back to sleep. Something to get done ASAP and just get back to bed. However, for this Dad it’s a time to write a poem, and a good one at that.

Take a read!

Nothing Is Free In Blogging – For Brands And Bloggers

Blogger: Slouching Towards Thatcham

Blog Post Link

I recently wrote a post all about why I started blogging (here), and at no point was it to make money. However, many bloggers do make money from their blog of course, and some huge amounts. It’s important for all bloggers, in order to support the blogging community as a whole, to not give away anything for free. As this Dad said, if a brand wanted to advertise in a magazine they would pay huge amounts for space and advert development. So why should it be expected that as we write content for brands that it should be free? It shouldn’t, simple as that. Here’s this dads view on the subject…

There You Have It…

If you see any good posts let me know.

If you would like to see my last post summarising Dad blog posts just click here.

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