Gro Egg by The Gro Company – Review

Five Dads

Light Gro Egg
Gro Egg by The Gro Company

We’ve recently bought the Gro Egg. When you have a baby some of the most common discussions and questions are around temperature. How warm if the room? Is it too hot? Is it too cold? How warm is the baby? Do we need to take off some layers? Apparently the ideal temperature is between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius but it’s not always easy to tell that, especially with some of the highs and lows in the outside weather. This cleverly designed egg is simple, easy to use and gives you a clear indication if the temperature is ok for your baby. It’s that good it gets five Dads out of five. We’ve also bought the Grolight, and you can see my review here.

Gro Egg – The Basics

Light Gro Egg Penguin
Gro Egg Penguin

The Gro Egg is a thermometer that lights up different colours. The colour depends upon whether the room is too hot, too cold or just right (and yes, Goldilocks just came to my mind too!). It’s as simple as plug and play, just turn it on and it starts telling you the temperature and lighting up. It’s advisable to leave it a few minutes when you do plug it in to get a true reading. You can also get covers to go over the top of it so it looks like other things, like a Penguin (we’ve got that one as you can see).

Gro Egg – Usability 5/5

I really can’t see how this could be easier to use. Just plus it in and look at it. Orange is hot, blue is cold, yellow is just right (there’s Goldilocks again for you!).

Cold Penguin   Normal Yellow Penguin   Hot Orange Penguin

Gro Egg – Convenience 4/5

There’s not a lot that I can think of that would make this more convenient. It’s easy to fit, a power cord of decent length so you can position it where you want and that’s about as simple as it can get. I guess the only thing that could make it more convenient would be to be able to connect to it via an app of some sort so you didn’t have to go upstairs to the bedroom to physically look at it.

Gro Egg – Quality 5/5

Couldn’t be better to be honest. Feels smooth, solid and of very high quality. The power cord looks good and well made too.

Gro Egg – Value 5/5

You can buy this for £14.99 on Amazon currently (January 2018). For the peace of mind knowing what the temperature is in the nursery that’s not a bad price to pay. I’m sure you could get less expensive thermometers, but this is so easy to set up and very visual so simple to use.

Gro Egg – Summary

Hot Orange Egg
It’s a great product

I think this is a great product. It’s so easy to use and the results are very visible for you so you can take a quick look and know if the temperature is ok. The only downside is that you have to physically go and look at it rather than check it on your phone for example. Also, it’s very easy to get carried away with knowing the temperature and thinking too much about it. I could see how some people could get a bit obsessed with the temperature and worry too much, but in my mind it’s better to know and protect your baby. As such, it’s a winner for me!

Have you got the Gro Egg? What do you think about it?

Read my other reviews here.

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